Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way
Understanding Kubernetes can be difficult or time-consuming. I've created this collection of sketchnotes about Kubernetes in order to explain the Cloud technology in a visual way.
The book (updated to Kubernetes 1.32) covers:
* Kubernetes components (etcd, API-server, scheduler, kubelet, controller manager, proxy...)
* Resources (Pods, Jobs, CronJobs, ConfigMaps, Secrets, Deployments, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, Services, Ingress, PV, PVC...)
* QoS, Horizontal PodAutoScaler, Pod & Node Affinity, Network Policies...
* And also advanced concepts like RBAC, PSP, operations on Nodes...
* Debugging / Troubleshooting Kubernetes
* Tips
* Useful tools to use
The whole book includes "How To" with concrete examples for all concepts and illustrations that helps to understand abstract concepts.
I hope this book will help you in your journey for understanding Kubernetes.